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Tanchois Sarees
Tanchoi sarees are another famous type of sarees of North India. Like the banarasi sarees, these sarees are also produced by Varanasi weavers. These sarees are not heavy like Banarasi sarees but can be worn for all types of occasion.

Tissue Sarees
Tissue sarees of North India, usually woven with the finest silk thread, are quite popular and never out of style. These sarees are very comfortable to wear and are of light weight.
Sarees of East India
Baluchari Sarees
The most well-known Bengal Silk sari, which carry its legendary name, is the Baluchari sari - a product of exquisite design and fabulous weaving technique. Produced in the town of Baluchar in Murshidabad district of West Bengal, Baluchari sarees are nation and world wide popular because of their artistic and unique design. 'Baluchari' is one of the most popular weaving techniques of Bengal.

Bomkai Sarees
Another variety of saree avaible in Orissa is the Bomkai saree. Produced in a small town called Bomkai in Orissa, these sarees also have touches of ikat work, like the Sambalpuri sarees.
Jamdani Sarees
Jamdani sarees are much sought after by fashion-conscious working women for their elegance, comfort and light weight. Bengal is a large hub of jamdani sarees suppliers and different kind of jamdani sarees.

Muga Sarees
Muga sarees are the famous silk sarees produced only in Assam. Though the traditional dress of Assamese ladies is Mekhala Chaddar-a saree in two piece, they also wear sarees nowadays for any kind of formal occasions. Muga sarees are not only elegant and beautiful but they also have ample strength and durability.
Pat Sarees
Pat Sarees are another type of sarees produced only in Assam like Muga Sarees. Though, the traditional dress of Assam, the Mekhala Chaddar is made of Pat silk, nowadays, sarees are also woven for customers all over the world. The pat silk saree of Assam is famous for its regal appeal. The shining cream and white colour of this saree imparts an elevated feeling. This Paat saree or mekhala chaddar, the traditional dress of Assamese ladies are considered most suitable for all special occasions. The minimum requirement of Assamese bridal wear still remains these silken dresses.

Sambalpuri Sarees
Orissan Sambalpuri sarees are some of the most beautiful sarees in India. These Sambalpuri sarees are an unparalleled one. The sarees come in a variety of designs and colours to suit every taste and pocket.

In the 1980s, the Sambalpuri sari became an international brand, thanks to substantial non-governmental support and the setting up of weavers' cooperatives. Late Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi became a sort of 'brand ambassador' of the Sambalpuri saree -- it was her favourite attire. Newsreaders on India's national television channel, Doordarshan, turned this saree into an unofficial uniform.

Sarees of South India
Chettinad Sarees
Chettinad is a small town in southern Tamil Nadu state and it is well known for its sarees. Chettinad sarees are a prized possession of every south Indian lady. These sarees have a simple and ethnic look which can be worn for all occasions.

Weaving cotton sarees has long been an occupation here. Sari weavers in Chettinad design the traditional chettinad cotton and silk sarees in contemporary colour.

Today a few entrepreneurs have undertaken to preserve traditional designs, and have given new life to it by mixing silk with cotton, giving the Chettinad sari designer status. Work is being done to revive conventional designs.
Gadwal Sarees
Gadwal sarees are the famous sarees of Andhra Pradesh made in a style influenced by the Banarasi weaves. The Gadwal sarees with lavish design in pallu make them beautiful and rich looking sarees befitting for any festive celebration

Kanjeevaram Sarees
Kanjeevaram silk sarees are perhaps the most well known of Indian silk sarees. They are the famous sarees of Tamil Nadu. They are world famous for their royal look and rich feel.

The Kanjeevaram sari gets its name from the town it originated in - Kanchipuram, a little temple town in Tamil Nadu. The Kanjeevaram sari is not only the choice for weddings in South India and elsewhere but also worn at all other auspicious and religious occasions. The Kanjeevaram sari is a tradition often passed on from mother to daughter over several generations as an heirloom in much the same way they might pass on jewellery or diamonds. A Kanjeevaram sari is made to last a lifetime.
Konrad Sarees
The konrad sarees are another famous type of sarees of Tamil Nadu. These sarees are simple, yet classy and ethnic and can be worn in any occasion. Another name of this saree is Temple saree. Originally these sarees were woven for temple deities and hence the name Temple Saree.

Mysore Silk Sarees
Every Indian woman desires to wear a Mysore silk saree. Mysore silk sarees are very popular sarees of South India. Rich Mysore silk sarees can be selected in a variety of color combinations and prints. The traditional Mysore silk sarees may soon be the next product which would put Karnataka on the world map. It will soon become as good as a patented product.

Pochampally Sarees
Pochampally sarees are the famous sarees woven in Pochampally, a small town in Andhra Pradesh. Pochampally is the well known brand in south india because of its quality. These sarees are world famous because of its unique design and colour combination.
Lehenga/Ghagra Choli
The most famous traditional dress of India is lehenga choli or ghagra choli. The Indian lehenga cholis with their glittering mirror work very attractive. The lehenga choli or ghagra choli is extremely colourful and attractive. The Indian lehenga choli/ghagra choli is usually worn with the 'dupatta' to cover the head and the chest. In India, lehenga choli is also known as lehenga or ghagra chunni or chunri, ghagra chunari, ghagra chunaris and sometimes Lachcha choli.

Wearing of this traditional dress at formal occasions is the latest trend. There is a tremendous boost to the ghagra choli in recent time as a fashion garment. Lehenga is a typical feminine silhouette that epitomizes style, craftsmanship, quality and class of Indian clothing
Chaniya Choli
Chaniya choli is another form or say another name of ghagra choli. The home of the chaniya choli is no doubt Kutch, Gujarat and Rajasthan. The outfit is popular in the west and north of India. In the south, another more streamlined version known as the 'pavade' is popular. There is a tremendous boost to the chaniya choli in recent time as a fashion garment expecially in weddings.
Though saree was and still is the traditional garment of Indian women, another stage reached in the history of Indian costumes with the invasions of the Mughals in the 16th century. The Mughal had a great impact on Indian society. Their dress pattern was one of the richest art forms. Persian fashions in clothing entered India. Sharara is traditionally a muslim garment. Sharara came into existence during Mughal period and is popular since then

Known by many names ghagra choli, chanya choli, lehenga, lachcha--all meaning a long skirt and blouse to go with it--these have become very popular among the fashion conscious Indian women, expecially for weddings. Lachcha is also one of the most favoured dress for the wedding. A common and popular dress among the Muslim community, now even the Hindu and Christian Community are opting for it as a wedding dress. Lacha, Lachchas with choli are quite common in Punjabi weddings.
Цитата(leena @ 18.1.2008, 13:02) *

Patiala Salwar Suit

Никогда бы такое не одела. Мне не нра.... huh.gif
Цитата(polinabs @ 18.1.2008, 14:10) *

Никогда бы такое не одела. Мне не нра.... huh.gif

Цвет -супер, а фасон -отстой! Мешок-мешком.
Вот что мне нравится в Индийских нарядах -это цвета girl_sigh.gif !

У нас, в Питере, в основном, ТАК любят черный, серый, коричневый, болотный, бронзовый и хаки -КАРАУЛ!!! Не одежда, а сплошная депрессия!

Чтобы найти себе синие или зеленые брюки и юбки, приходится обыскать весь город. Глаз отдыхал только на горнолыжном курорте -горнолыжные и сноубордистские костюмы, в основном, красивых расцветок.
я думала, что шарара-это юбка брюки, а на картинке, как обычная ленга blink.gif
Цитата(leena @ 28.12.2007, 20:59) *

Можетна НГ пати сделаю. А вообще то это бизнесмены с жёнами и дипкорпус.

Дип корпус тоже разный бывает...Европейский проще manikur.gif
Это индЕйцы пытаються нарядится наверное в стиле "А мы круче/краше/наряженее всех" hihi.gif
Цитата(Lenu @ 18.1.2008, 22:09) *

Дип корпус тоже разный бывает...Европейский проще manikur.gif
Это индЕйцы пытаються нарядится наверное в стиле "А мы круче/краше/наряженее всех" hihi.gif

Это точно. Сплошной выпендрёж
У меня вопросна тему шоппинга: где в Дели можно купить красивые, модные и качественные босоножки, чтобы НЕ НАТИРАЛИ! Хотела прикупить в Индии что-ньть красивое, но для этого и обувь соответствующая нужна, а у меня в Питере босоножки модные и чтобы не натирали найти -больная тема, еле-еле купила прошлой зимой с 70% скидкой босоножки на платформе за 100 евро -они единственные, которые можно спокойно носить, все остальное -только на на капрон, обклеившись пластырем! cray.gif
И еще вопрос - сколько в среднем стоит хорошая обувь?
Фотки с Indian fasion week 2008

Цитата(Chorichori @ 1.2.2008, 9:13) *

У меня вопросна тему шоппинга: где в Дели можно купить красивые, модные и качественные босоножки, чтобы НЕ НАТИРАЛИ! cray.gif
И еще вопрос - сколько в среднем стоит хорошая обувь?
Nine West
3000-6000 rupees
Цитата(Aliska @ 2.2.2008, 21:44) *

Nine West
3000-6000 rupees

Это магазин или квартал? huh.gif
Цитата(Lenu @ 3.2.2008, 0:01) *

Это магазин или квартал? huh.gif

это бренд, у них сумки и обувь. а находится почти во всех больших молах.


Это сари и последний камиз просто супер.
Девочки, кто подскажет, какие сари сейчас в моде.

Вот , я такое себе купила. Правда оно на картинке более темное, чем на самом деле... На новом году девочка индианка сказала, что вот такое сейчас в Индии очень модно. Цветы как бы из бархата сделанны....

Цитата(Irishkos @ 7.2.2008, 23:49) *

Вот , я такое себе купила. Правда оно на картинке более темное, чем на самом деле... На новом году девочка индианка сказала, что вот такое сейчас в Индии очень модно. Цветы как бы из бархата сделанны....

Иринка, покажи на себе ax.gif
В хвасталке поставила.... wink.gif
Цитата(Irishkos @ 8.2.2008, 17:47) *

В хвасталке поставила.... wink.gif
а где это?

Цитата(ksyu @ 7.11.2006, 18:35) *

Ну а моя горячая любовь - курты или курти, которые можно носить с джинсами. Я почти все лето хожу в курти такого типа, без рукавов:

А вы не становитесь жертвой назойливых взглядов?
Меня узнавали как иностранку даже под завесом вуали или шарфа и, несмотря на то, что я носила индийскую, скрывающую полностью фигуру, одежду... hysteric.gif
Девушки дорогие, вопрос не в тему!
Я купила наконец-то сари в ОАЭ ( надо было конечно это сделать в ОАЭ, так как в Индии я так и не сподобилась купить))), так вот вместе с куском ткани на само собственно сари мне продали еще кусок ткани черной ( в тон к моему сари) для пошива чоли. И вот теперь я хочу отдать знакомой тетке в ателье в Москве этот кусок, чтобы она мне сшила чоли, но мне ведь надо ей показать модель, выкройку. У вас нет выкройки ни кого? И вообще я не понимаю, как они шьют чоли, если там ткань не тянется, там молния что ли или пуговицы? manikur.gif
это - понятно, что ленга
а это тоже ленга?
или сари
девочки! я не поняла, у нее расписной бюстгалтер высовывается?
модель, похоже, не индианка
новый вид кофточки - лифчик с рукавами?
1 плечо на бретельке...
пляжный вариант какой-то...



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